Australia Day Shark & Game Fish Challenge

Sharks and other game fish are the target species for this event.

This is a TGFA sanctioned event.

You can now enter this contest online. Click the Shark to go to online Contest Entry.

Click the Shark to download the Contest Schedule.

Click the Shark to download the Contest Entry Form.


Click this Shark to download the Contest Entry Form in MS Word format.



When is this event held?

This competition is held each year on the Saturday of the Australia Day weekend.


How are prizes awarded?

Prizes are awarded in heaviest and point score categories as well as tag and release.


What times are important?

There will be a briefing on the Friday evening before the competition, typically from 1800. A representative from each crew must attend.

Fishing commences at 0700 on the Saturday and ends at 1500. Weighing will continue until around 1700 followed by presentations.